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…a very long while since I came here. The last thing I posted here was the horoscopes for December 2010. I skipped January, I can’t remember why. Something about the summer holidays. I was writing the column for March. I remember this very clearly. It was a Tuesday. Normally I would have gone in to town to edit and podcast my radio show. I was getting ready to do that when Cathy txt me. She published my horoscopes in her newsletter and she was giving me a hurry up. “Have you done them yet” something like that. So I changed my plans and sat down to write. I was halfway done by lunchtime. By then my girlfriend Cherie had called in. We hung out for a bit. Chatted, shared our troubles. She vetted what I had done and gave me the thumbs up. She was getting ready to leave, her hand bag over her shoulder, when we felt it. The first wave, an earthquake, THE earthquake. We had been through so many aftershocks since September that it took us a moment to register that this one was something else. The shaking hadn’t stopped but had developed into waves, we were heading for the doorway for shelter when the floor literally picked us up and dumped us there, locked together in a clinch so intimate our friendship has never been quite the same since. She was laughing, I was crying, we were terrified. My whole house was heaving and shuddering, cupboards and shelves emptying their contents on to the floors…anyway it stopped eventually and my wee house had survived and so had we. My kids and husband were safe and sound, our side of town came out relatively unscathed…but our city was broken, nearly 200 people had been killed, the heart of the city had been devestated. The eastern suburbs had been ravaged, no power, no water, no sewerage and many many families made homeless.

It rocked my world, shifted my attention…so I stopped writing here…it might be time to come back though…we’ll see.

Aries: It’s a real obstacle course this month. You are running the race, you can see your goal but it is going to take some navigation and negotiation to get there. It could get a little heart racy but the scary stuff can be fun too.  Be courageous, be fair and be focused.

Taurus: Measure and evaluate everything this month. Carry a bag of grainy salt with you into conversations that affect your future.  Make sure you are clear about the steps you need to take to get where you are going.  If things seem confusing or messy, then just stop, take a breath and look around.

Gemini: It might feel as if progress is slow. Glitches and hiccups cause delays and nobody seems to understand a word that is coming out of your mouth.  Don’t use so many words. Keep it simple and clear

Cancer: Stress and pressure can be your friends if you use them to propel you forward. A strong set of shoulders and a determined attitude will help you win through. Use your charm and diplomacy to negotiate where you need to and make sure you gain more ground than you give.

Leo: Nearly there Leo. You can sense the change coming yet it still feels so far away. It is closer than you think but there is still work to do. Tidy up, clarify, and check your settings. Don’t let delays discourage you. Keep your friends close. Temper your passion with diplomacy and moderate intensity with good manners.

Virgo: You know there is a lot to do this month. Don’t wear yourself out trying to do everything perfectly. Give yourself room to breathe and if that means deleting some items from your To Do List then by all means make that happen.

Libra: You cannot ride in to the future until you have resolved some of your past. It is important work, so even though it may be sticky and unpleasant at first, it will be worth it if you can exorcise some demons in the process. Do not be afraid of the dark or what lies within it.

Scorpio: The Christmas season is its own brand of intense. Add that to your own building levels of stress and pressure and things could get very lively. As a good friend of mine told me once, “the truth hurts so be gentle with it.” If things must be said then go for clarity and kindness when you deliver your message.

Sagittarius: Start the month by  planning the next big thing.  There will be ample opportunities through December to strategise, rework, clarify and troubleshoot the new direction. Even obstacles present a way through. You may have to hunker down toward the end of the month…but only for a moment.

Capricorn: It is full steam ahead but watch your step and your temper. Your normal cool, calm cautious self may be goaded in to a counter productive tantrum. There is a lot to get a handle on as you move in to a new phase of your life. Biting your tongue, taking deep breaths and listening for the lessons in the moment can help you make the most of a stressful situation.

Aquarius: You need to clear the air. You can’t really get any further until you sort out what needs to be communicated to whom. You should be prepared to hear some home truths as well. If you can take those on board and then let go of the need to be right you will be surprised how much lighter you will feel.

Pisces: It might be a bit stormy this month but you need to hold your course. A calm hand and a cool head at the tiller will keep you off the rocks and in command of your vessel. Others may offer their input but only agree to changes that reflect what you want.

Aries: There is a new sense of adventure in the ether, new directions to explore, new ideas to consider. Express yourself. Talk about your feelings. No really, it is time to have that conversation. Open up and see what happens.

Taurus: Things start to come together this month, especially the things that have been slow and steady in planning and execution. You can actually see them take shape. Try and maintain the steady as she goes approach. A headlong charge may cost you more than it brings you,

Gemini: It is the little things that matter. Following through on small promises, tidying up after yourself, finishing off, editing, perfecting what is already in place are all concerns for this month. Big sweeping changes, and grand statements have no place on the agenda.

Cancer: Powerful insights about your life and who you share it with come to you this month. Use the information to make decisions about how to move forward into the life you want. A clean cut or a deeper commitment – think it through carefully. Actions taken now will have far reaching consequences.

Leo: The clouds are beginning to clear, the air smells sweeter and your heart feels lighter for the first time in ages. The shift in the weather is opening up new possibilities and opportunities. Cautious optimism is the way to go now as you let go of past hurts and look forward at last.

Virgo: You can really gain some ground now. Stay focused. Make sure you have a good handle on the details or can at least answer some key questions about your plans for the future. Sift through your imaginings for ideas that can actually be made real. Let go of any that can’t.

Libra: Things are going your way Libra. You can see more clearly and have a better sense now of how things are unfolding. It is easier to get buy-in and support from friends and colleagues. You can get that tricky situation resolved now too, but don’t let your success there tempt you to over extend yourself…again.

Scorpio: It is all about you this month. The focus is on you and how you are getting to where you need to be. To avoid damaging conflict, acknowledge someone else’s needs and wishes.  Be prepared to reassess your alliances and allegiances.

Sagittarius: You can lighten up now, stretch a little and breathe freely at the beginning of the month. An innovative idea may show you a new direction but it will take work and commitment to make something lasting and real. Dig in, make it happen.

Capricorn: Communication can be equal parts frustration and inspiration at the start of the month. The middle of the month is better for making plans and taking calculated risks. Try and keep your cool at the end of the month, maybe take action on a physical project of some kind or noble cause.

Aquarius: You can see your future opening up now.  It’s exciting, you can feel changes coming. Make the most of this energy by staying focused, clear and truthful. You can make good progress with your career goals this month.

Pisces: Big dreams, grand ideas, insights and intuition are all there for you at the beginning of the month but wait until mid-month to put any of your inspired ideas into action. Less is more so be prepared to rein yourself in. Don’t get so carried away with your brilliance that you skip important steps and details.




apply daily.

Aries: September was rough. You had to feel things. What did you learn from them? This is important because it is time to move on. Check the view from another perspective so that you can see what you need to let go of and what you can bring with you. October is going to be confusing so be on the look out for reality checks.

Taurus: One step forward two steps back this month. You must employ patience. It is all about going back over territory already covered. Check for holes in the budget, ways you can be more attentive to your partner…or places you need to revisit to apologise. (You can avoid that last part by practicing patience and diplomacy. Give it a go.)

Gemini: Let’s just say you are going to be busy being busy. There is so much to do now that Mercury is direct and it may be hard to find the time to get it all done. Catch the spaces when you can. Think everything through before you act (well, try). Make time to be creative and breathe before you speak. With your mind running so fast the wrong words might spill out at an ill-timed moment.

Cancer: Review the ground rules and renegotiate the territory in your relationship. It’s not very romantic but the ordinary stuff needs to be attended to. It is all about foundation and structure. At work, keep a low profile; focus on doing your job well. Solve problems with intuitive innovation.

Leo: Step carefully this month. Make sure opportunities are what they appear to be when they present themselves. Call it as you see it , cool and calm, with dignity and class. Keep your boundaries clear and maintain them to make sure you are furthering your agenda and not some one else’s.

Virgo: You could get a lot done this month especially if you are organized and discerning. You have a lot to say and conversations need to be had so be smart and sensitive. Use the right words and know when to say nothing. Do not over commit yourself. Only offer what you can realistically give.

Libra: Continue to steer your own course. You want to make decisions that suit everyone but make sure your goals are at the top of your list. It might be hard to find approval on the level that you need this month so look for it within. What you find may not be perfect but you can be proud of the progress you are making.

Scorpio: There is a big push coming at the end of the month. Personally, professionally something’s getting going. In the meantime focus on tying up loose ends, getting the pieces in to place to make the most of it.

Sagittarius: Things could get messy this month. The challenge is going to be keeping your mouth shut. Try not to let your emotions get the better of you. Your key word could be “withdraw” so schedule lots of alone time. Read, meditate, go for walks, get in touch with you.

Capricorn: You can mend fences and restore old ties this month. This is a good time for reviewing and revising past actions and behaviours, getting old patterns out of the way so you can step more fully in to the present.

Aquarius: It could be hard to settle anywhere, make decisions or just hear yourself think. You may feel like you are running from crisis to crisis at work, at home, in your wallet. Keep breathing and try to stay present in each moment for each task. The crazy jumble will eventually resolve itself and you will be surprised at the form it may take.

Pisces: Don’t be afraid of the difficult conversation and don’t believe everything you hear. Not that anyone is deliberately lying to you, just maybe kidding themselves. Be kind and persistent in your exploration of the heart of the matter and don’t forget to bring some grains of salt.

No horoscopes this month on account of Mercury retrograde messing my shit up. So instead…have a look at this

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury is the planet in charge of communication, ideas, information.

He is in charge of our systems, our everyday contacts. He represents intellect and learning. Currently Mercury is in Virgo. Mercury rules Virgo AWESOME!!

In Virgo Mercury is at his most rational and grounded. We should be able to get a lotta lotta work done.

We should be.

The thing is Mercury turned retrograde on August 21. This happens about three times a year and lasts about 3 weeks at a time. During his orbit of the sun while he is closest to earth he looks like he is moving backwards.

We call this retrograde. This means he is moving back through the territory he just covered. Traditionally we talk about this as a time of confusion, communication break downs, bad decisions, poor timing, saying things you shouldn’t, that kinda stuff.

What tends to happen, as mercury approaches its retrograde degree, as much as a week out sometimes, is the breakdowns start to happen then. It can be very interesting when you are aware of what is happening. For example, last week just as I was thinking, “right merc retro coming up, I better back up my data”, my laptop died. A death. Now for someone like me who lives on my laptop that could be an utter disaster…and it has been a challenge.

But as I said, Virgo is rational, there must be a way I can make this work. This challenge is supposed to teach me something. So over the next three weeks, while Mercury is moving backwards, I get to re-examine the way I work, how I prioritise my time, ask myself questions about my systems.

Mercury retrograde is a great time for planning, not implementing. It is a good time for research, editing, think tanking. If you have to sign contracts during this period then make sure all your I’s are dotted and your T’s are crossed. Be aware that you may have to revise conditions at a later date.

If things are going a little haywire then look for the lesson in it. What is it that you need to reconsider?

If you have a major project on now is the time to re-examine the details, plan the contingencies, revise and rework. Chances are you will have opportunities to see where the flaws are. It might be irritating and delays might be frustrating but again, they are invitations to ask questions and opportunities to plug the gaps as it were.

Mercury goes direct on September 12, moving forwards past all the stuff you have been dealing with, testing the new theories…see how you go…

Aries: Negotiate. To get to the next step consider how what you want affects the others in your life. Persuade with diplomacy. Others may not be able to see where you are coming from. Give them a chance to catch up.

Taurus: Be prepared to be the peacemaker if there are flare ups at work. Smooth out the wrinkles in the new plan. Find the rhythm in the new routine. You are at the beginning of some long term change so look forward…way forward and make decisions that will see you there.

Gemini: Are you writing? Documenting the things you know, the questions that puzzle you? Look for ways to do that, to share, to connect and to express who you are. Things are going to be a bit crazy, up and down and slightly whirly. To maintain a sense of place and balance write it down. Work through your options.

Cancer:  So you have seen the possibilities that await you in your career. Things could really go places. No doubt about it. This month, all the action is at home. Have that important conversation about where you are going and what you need. It is time to be bold and take a risk so ask for support and ask what your partner or family need from you.

Leo:  You can have it all. But you can’t have it all at once. And you can’t have it all the time. Try to achieve what you want step by step and not in one big gulp.  Take care of the things that you have been avoiding and be prepared to negotiate rather than take a stand.

Virgo: Time for an internal de-clutter. You can do this by de-cluttering externally, throwing away and reorganising those things that represent your inner untidiness. Clear out the baggage, the unsolved jigsaw puzzles, that outfit you really are never going to wear again. Make room for new possibilities and then relax in the fresh new space.

Libra: New opportunities and inspiration push you forward. Watch your step and stay alert. Avoid a head on power struggle. The going might get tough later in the month but just keep breathing and push on through. Meet your obligations and eliminate what is unnecessary to help you stay focussed.

Scorpio: Say what you feel in the spirit of sharing. Don’t hold back to avoid tension but be gentle and authentic. You may feel a bit abandoned this month as your friends seem to be unavailable to you but it’s more likely that the messages aren’t getting through. You will find yourself back on track by the end of the month with a new sense of purpose.

Sagittarius: I know you like to keep moving but this month focus on where you are now. The journey will resume presently but for now it is time to take stock, to deal with the present. Empty out your suitcase, do your laundry.

Capricorn: You might meet someone this month that shakes up your ideas about your future and your career. You might resist at first but step back and take a longer look. This could be the beginning of a useful and dynamic partnership.

Aquarius: Don’t let the self-doubt demon get you. Listen to his advice, thank him for his input and then get back to believing in yourself. Put new information and ideas to the practicality test before integrating them into your life.

Pisces: This is your life that you are building Pisces. Give yourself permission to take your time to get it right. You need the time to see through the illusions, to determine what is really working and what is actually possible.

My daughter would say that to me as we walked to school. She was 8 years old and “strolly” was our Astrology game.  I had devised it as a way of introducing her to the planets. It is a kind of call and response mantra we would recite as we walked.

It is oversimplified because it is an introduction for a child.  As she got older we would expand on the game. We would choose one of the planets and expand on it’s definition, riff on the symbolism and go deeper.

It Goes like this:

Me: What is the Sun?

She: The Sun is me.

Me: What is the Moon?

She: The Moon is my feelings.

Me: What is Mercury?

She: Mercury is my mind.

Me: What is Venus?

She: Venus is what I need, what I love, what I value.

Me: What is Mars?

She: Mars is what I want, what I do.

Me: What is Jupiter?

She: Jupiter is what I believe.

Me: What is Saturn?

She: Saturn is what I have to.

Me: What is Uranus?

She: Uranus is what I choose to.

Me: What is Neptune?

She: Neptune is what I dream.

Me: What is Pluto?

She: Pluto is endings and beginnings, evolution and transformation.

It was a wonderful way of sharing what I do with her and it gave her a place to start. These days I play with her younger sister and the game changes again. The elder has Mercury in Sagittarius. She can take small pieces of information and make great extrapolative leaps. The younger has Mercury in Pisces  and her mind wanders off in mysterious fascinating directions. Strolly leads to conversations about everything and anything and it is all done in the framework of astrology.

Teaching  my daughters the language of astrology has been a joy and an adventure and given me new insights into my craft.

If you are learning astrology add Strolly to your tool kit.

If you are an astrologer with kids…enjoy.

Long Neck Spiral

By Nathan Wehi

On Air!!

I have a new gig.

I have joined the  gorgeous and effervescent Jackie Farina as co hostess of the Wellness and Inspiration show on Plains FM 96.9.  The show airs on the first and third Saturday of every month and I will be driving the latter. (Squee!)

I am totally amped about it, apprehensive and thrilled at the same time.  Anyway my first show aired on July 17.  I interviewed two feisty and fabulous women, played some songs, offered some astrology, negotiated the sound desk more or less efficiently  and before I knew it it was all over.

I talked to Jo Fife about her passion for business, travel and  “ordinary people doing extraordinary things”.  Robyn M Speed is a writer of Visionary fiction with a strong sense of  her self and her point of view.  I had the best time hanging out with those glorious gals.

You can listen to the podcast by clicking on the link below.

Wellness and Inspiration July 2010